Do you recognize these symptoms? 8 signs your body is unhealthy

Do you recognize these symptoms? 8 signs your body is unhealthy
Do you recognize these symptoms? 8 signs your body is unhealthy

Are you not feeling well lately? Your body can make it clear in different ways that something is wrong. You just have to recognize it. We have therefore listed eight signs that you are unhealthy.

1. You lose a lot of weight in a short time

Are you suddenly losing a lot of body weight unintentionally and for no reason? Then this may indicate an underlying health problem. For example, your body may use more energy and nutrients because it needs energy to make you better. This can be due to an overactive thyroid, COPD, heart failure, chewing or swallowing problems or even cancer. Go to your doctor immediately for this.

2. You are often sick

Do you have a well-functioning immune system? It will then recognize the pathogen in time and immediately start working to neutralize it. You will then become ill less quickly and often. A strong immune system depends on heredity, age, gender, hormones and lifestyle. You can simply have bad luck and often be ill without this saying anything about your health, but you can also cause it by your lifestyle. In the latter case, this could be a sign that you are being unhealthy.

3. Pressure and pain in chest

Chest pressure and pain can be very scary, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. You can experience this after a training that is a bit too intensive or during or after a flu or cold. But does the pain or pressure not go away and do you feel nauseous or do you have a fever? This could indicate a heart condition, asthma or pneumonia. In this case, call your doctor immediately.

4. Your urine has a strange smell or you pee blood

Are you healthy and well hydrated? Then ‘normal’ urine does not smell and has a light yellow color. But is this not the case – and does your urine have strange odors or are you peeing blood? Then this could be a sign that you need to go to the doctor. Do not panic! You don’t have to worry right away. For example, it is possible that asparagus, fish, onions, garlic, Brussels sprouts, coffee and foods with curry make your pee smelly. Isn’t this the case? If your pee smells or looks like this, it’s time to see a doctor.

5. There is blood in your stool

Speaking of toilet visits: your stool can also say a lot about your health. For example, severe abdominal complaints, diarrhea, constipation or blood in the stool are signs that something is not going well. Recognizable? Please contact your doctor.

6. Your nails don’t look good

Your nails can be a reflection of your health. For example, brownish stripes can be a possible cause of melanoma, white lines can be a nutrient deficiency, hollow nails can be a sign of anemia or iron deficiency and regularly brittle or dry nails may be hypothyroidism (slowly functioning thyroid gland). A crescent moon can also indicate kidney failure or liver disease, red streaks indicate heart disease, pits indicate psoriasis and round or convex nails indicate lung problems. Consult your GP for this.

7. You are very tired

It is logical that you are tired after a busy day or intensive training. But do you often feel very tired? Then there could be more going on. These are the six possible causes of fatigue.

8. You have broken, chapped or dry lips

There may be several innocent reasons why your lips are not in top shape, but it can also indicate a deficiency of B vitamins. You will often have a similar looking rash around the mouth – and this is usually due to a B12 deficiency.

Do you feel ill? Or do you suffer from other symptoms that worry you? Always go to the doctor to be sure.

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: recognize symptoms signs body unhealthy


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