Media watcher Mark Coenegracht sharply for VRT boss Delaplace in the De Pauw case: “He shot himself in the foot” | Bart DePauw


HLN Media Watchers“Bart De Pauw was a loser from the start. With his headstrong and clumsy approach, VRT CEO Delaplace has now only made the whole affair worse. He really shot himself in the foot.” This is what showbiz journalist Mark Coenegracht says in the podcast ‘HLN Mediawatchers’. After the guess-no game about the broadcast of the series ‘The process that nobody wanted’, no fewer than 542,671 interested parties watched the first episode on VRT Canvas on Wednesday evening.

“You can no longer call the new developments surrounding the De Pauw case a soap opera. It’s actually a drama. The ever opportunistic CEO of our public broadcaster thought he could profit from Bart De Pauw’s attempt to ban the excellent, serenely made, but tough documentary series about the double life of the TV maker from the screen.” , Coenegracht makes clear. “After an unlikely week in which the VRT boss first decided not to broadcast the series, then provided text and explanation with a statement in which he opened with the sentence that ‘the truth has its rights’, and then two days later completely to decide the opposite and give the green light for the time being, the only good news is that every Flemish who wanted to can now watch.”

“It is and was particularly remarkable that VRT employees signed an open letter en masse to call their boss to order. And the fact that absolute top performers such as Gloria Monserez, Fien Germijns and Siska Schoeters have also stuck their necks out deserves praise and respect. Whether we should also think the same for Bart De Pauw, let’s leave it open. I remember that it was De Pauw who brought the whole matter into the open himself by announcing that the VRT leadership had suspended him after a number of complaints from employees. Not the women he targeted. Not the VRT. “The flight forward, that’s what it was called at the time,” the podcast says.

What is stopping De Pauw from collaborating on a new documentary?

Mark Coenegracht, Showbiz journalist HLN

“Well, he’s done it again now. The flight forward. Direction VRT. By offering a new documentary with his version to the VRT bosses. In exchange for making ‘The process that no one wanted’ disappear. That did not work. But what is stopping De Pauw from participating in a new documentary for the time being? To make it clear that he is now aware of his wrong behavior, that he has worked on himself and has actually become a different man? We can almost hope that that series will happen someday, and preferably soon.”

Listen to the full conversation about the De Pauw affair and much more in the new episode of ‘HLN Mediawatchers’.

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Bart De Pauw – Mark Coenegracht © Photo News / AP

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Media watcher Mark Coenegracht sharply VRT boss Delaplace Pauw case shot foot Bart DePauw


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