Palau offering US$250 to visiting Taiwanese

Palau offering US$250 to visiting Taiwanese
Palau offering US$250 to visiting Taiwanese

Palau is to give Taiwanese visitors on direct flights from Taoyuan US$250 upon arrival from Monday next week to June 24 to attract more tourism to the Pacific island nation, the Palau Visitors Authority said on Monday.

From next month, China Airlines is to offer weekly round-trip flights between Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and Palau, the authority said in a statement on social media.

In celebration, Palau is to offer US$250 to all travelers with a Taiwanese passport arriving on these flights, totaling 13 over the period, it said.

Photo: Reuters

Visitors may receive the money at a Palau Visitors Authority location, findable on Google Maps, from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday, it said.

Recipients should bring their passport, boarding pass, digital flight ticket and proof of accommodation, it added.

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Tags: Palau offering US250 visiting Taiwanese


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