LOOK. Biden calls Putin “butcher” during speech in North Carolina | War Ukraine and Russia

LOOK. Biden calls Putin “butcher” during speech in North Carolina | War Ukraine and Russia
LOOK. Biden calls Putin “butcher” during speech in North Carolina | War Ukraine and Russia

Biden was there together with Vice President Kamala Harris to promote their plans for American health care, in view of the November presidential elections. He again urged that the very richest pay more taxes, thus giving the middle class more breathing space.

Currently, the very richest pay an average of 8.2 percent in federal taxes. Biden wants to increase that to 25 percent. “That would generate $400 billion over the next 10 years,” he said. “Imagine what we could do with that. We could fundamentally reduce the federal deficit. We could ensure that there is home care. We could do so many things, including finally saving Ukraine from that butcher Putin.”

It is not the first time that President Biden has called Putin a butcher. A month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine – in March 2022 – Biden already did this once after visiting Ukrainian refugees in Poland. A week earlier, he had also called his Russian counterpart “a war criminal” and “a murderous dictator, a pure criminal, waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Biden calls Putin butcher speech North Carolina War Ukraine Russia


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