Lancelot, ex-winner of ‘The Mole’, also has doubts about his ultimate suspect: “Senne, the mole? I just don’t see it”

Lancelot, ex-winner of ‘The Mole’, also has doubts about his ultimate suspect: “Senne, the mole? I just don’t see it”
Lancelot, ex-winner of ‘The Mole’, also has doubts about his ultimate suspect: “Senne, the mole? I just don’t see it”

The figures don’t lie: Flanders cannot agree on who the mole is. According to figures from Play4, 23 percent suspect the son of bath lover Kathie, Bernard. 37 percent think that Senne is the mole, but the most suspicious is Michaël, with 40 percent. Our own mole watcher hasn’t quite figured it out yet either. So we asked Lancelot, last season’s winner, for help. “I have enjoyed watching this season and have to say that making an assessment is not easier as an ex-candidate than before. It remains a difficult game and I still can’t choose well,” he says. “Although I of course have my suspicions, I continue to hesitate between two suspects.”

READ ALSO. “We may regret this”: we have almost crossed off one finalist, but who is ‘The Mole’?

Enthusiasm and drive

He is most certain about social worker Senne (28). “I don’t think he’s the mole,” says Lancelot. “And that is mainly based on gut feeling. I just don’t see it. For me, he is simply a very good candidate who does not shy away from showing his words. He also regularly lets the rest take control or deliberately makes a mistake to see how the rest reacts and plays. I did that too. It is the ideal way to see who suspects or believes whom. Your assignment may fail, but you have a lot of new information.”

Lancelot about Senne: “For me he is just a very good candidate, who doesn’t talk too much.” — © Play4

“In my opinion, Michael might be the mole,” says Lancelot. “He reminds me of Lennart, who was the saboteur in 2021. Just like him, Michaël always comes across as sincere, straightforward and super enthusiastic. That’s why he wasn’t expected at all since the beginning and got away with everything. Now it’s becoming clear that he makes mistakes all the time and they don’t really seem to be accidental. Well, of course that can say something.”

Lancelot about Michael: “Now it is becoming clear that he constantly makes mistakes and they do not really seem to be accidental.”

Lancelot about Michael: “Now it is becoming clear that he constantly makes mistakes and they do not really seem to be accidental.” — © Play4

“But on the other hand,” Lancelot hesitates, “there is also Bernard. He comes across as very ambitious. It seems like he really wants to do the assignments well and win the game. Viewers see him as someone who wants to go for it. But if you rewind the film, you see that he also made some serious mistakes. That ambition as a diversionary maneuver is what might make him a good mole.”

Lancelot about Bernard: “He comes across as ambitious. But if you rewind the film, you see that he has seriously messed up some things.”

Lancelot about Bernard: “He comes across as ambitious. But if you rewind the film, you see that he has seriously messed up some things.” — © Play4

All-in is a bad idea

“So I really don’t know very well,” Lancelot admits. “I have already been on the wrong mole this season. I suspected Philippe and Lynn, who have since left the program. But of course there is a difference between watching and participating. When you watch the program on television, they immediately ask about your suspect. That’s one. But as a participant I never went all-in. That didn’t seem wise to me either: you see that participants who immediately suspect only one person quickly lose weight. Now I don’t know whether I would have reached the final this season, but I do think I would have lasted a long time.”

Join The mole is now equivalent to a direct ticket to the BV board, Lancelot also agrees. “When the program is broadcast, you are suddenly very hot and you are constantly recognized on the street. This reached a peak in the summer during events, such as the Antwerp Bollekesfeesten. But even now it still happens. During the cup final between Antwerp and Union I had to stop every five meters for a selfie. Fortunately, you get used to that.”

Lancelot has often been recognized on the street since his participation in 'The Mole'. “Luckily you get used to that.”

Lancelot has often been recognized on the street since his participation in ‘The Mole’. “Luckily you get used to that.” — © Play4

“Comes to work events The mole the best for me,” says Lancelot. “I work for a project developer and meet new people all the time. They also come to me more easily than before. It makes meetings easier and serves as a perfect icebreaker, so it is certainly not disadvantageous.”

Or the production of The mole could call and ask if Lancelot would like to participate in one all star season? “Immediately. Without any doubt. I enjoyed the adventure so much and I still enjoy playing games. So yes, I would sign up immediately. Call me!”

Tags: Lancelot exwinner Mole doubts ultimate suspect Senne mole dont


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