Brussels as a crowbar in the confederal logic of the N-VA

Brussels as a crowbar in the confederal logic of the N-VA
Brussels as a crowbar in the confederal logic of the N-VA

French speakers have long been terrified that the participation of Vlaams Belang or N-VA in the Brussels government is inevitable. Because in this way they can paralyze Brussels, the cornerstone of the current federal model, and use it as leverage for further community steps.

The expectations, as stated in an extensive article in Le Soir last week, are that the current coalition partners of Groen, Vooruit and Open VLD may lose seats, and that a team cannot be formed with the current majority parties.

If that is correct, N-VA may have to be looked at. Apart from the fact that this is not really an attractive option for Groen – but never say never – for many French speakers it is a doom and gloom that they prefer not to think about too much.

Are the French speakers right? Not in itself. The N-VA in Brussels is working hard to gain the trust of Brussels residents. The party is very open in the capital. It is a discourse of ‘we Brussels residents’, who want the best for the capital. Vervoort has also previously stated that a Brussels government with N-VA does not have to be impossible.

However, that statement dates from a few years ago and the strong man of the PS is now called Ahmed Laaouej. Observers do not believe that Laaouej will quickly reach an agreement with the Flemish nationalists. And at Ecolo, which today adheres to the PS, that appetite will be many times less.

In addition, the N-VA is in a highly uncomfortable position nationally. The party wants to take steps towards a confederal model. That is, with the hot breath of Vlaams Belang on the neck, the best way to regain the right to exist. But for this it must receive broad support from the French speakers. The PS has already announced that it is not interested.

Community requirements

If the N-VA is really necessary for a Brussels coalition, it can be used as a crowbar for a confederal step. N-VA can then make a Brussels government impossible as long as its (community) demands are not met. And, for example, force the PS to form a federal government together.

That is the great fear of French-speaking political strategists, and exactly what Vervoort refers to in his speech in Bozar. Fear is never a good counselor, as a well-known saying goes, but this situation is not completely unthinkable either.

Viewed in this way, the stakes in the Brussels elections are not as innocent as it sometimes seems and go beyond the battle between right and left, but are also about the future of the country.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Brussels crowbar confederal logic NVA


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