Rome through Dutch Eyes: 5 Top Books of 2024

Rome through Dutch Eyes: 5 Top Books of 2024
Rome through Dutch Eyes: 5 Top Books of 2024

Fact checking on

At, we have prioritized accuracy and reliability in our content since our founding in 2001. We are committed to thorough fact-checking procedures to ensure that the information you receive is credible and first-hand. Sponsored content is clearly identified, and while we strive to verify all information, there may be instances where we rely on third party sources. In such cases, we will promptly correct any errors that may occur.

Property is owned by Harper Douglas Max, registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Nice, France under SIRET number 894317775. For further questions, our Head of Legal Affairs, Ms. Erin Anselmo, and Editor-in-Chief, Elisabeth Bertrand, can be contacted.

Code of conduct

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our Code of Conduct. We value your feedback and take all concerns seriously. If you have any complaints or feedback about our editorial content or the behavior of journalists, please contact us through the channels provided.

Context is crucial

When deciding which stories we share, we put the public interest first and ensure that context is carefully considered. Our goal is to provide transparent and balanced reporting, especially in cases involving sensitive issues.

Editing and approval for publication

Our editorial team works diligently to maintain high standards of accuracy and compliance with legal requirements. Pre-publication checks are carried out before publication to mitigate potential risks, and we remain transparent in our processes.

Presenting oneself and dealing with the general public or companies

As journalists representing, we maintain professionalism and respect in all interactions. We strive for open dialogue and ensure that privacy and dignity are maintained.

Our sources

We rely on credible sources and strive to independently verify information. Protecting the anonymity of sources is of utmost importance, and we maintain strict confidentiality protocols.

Online research

Our research practices comply with legal and ethical standards, including appropriate attribution and respect for copyright laws. We exercise caution when using online resources to maintain accuracy and integrity.

Working with minors

We prioritize the well-being and privacy of minors in our reporting, seek appropriate consents and handle sensitive issues with care.

Changing the story to protect the public

We strive for fair and objective reporting, with subjects given the opportunity to address any factual errors before publication. Transparency and accountability are central to our journalistic practices.

Keep notes and records

We maintain detailed records to ensure accuracy and accountability in our reporting. Key conversations and evidence are documented to maintain integrity and transparency.

Independent journalism and thorough research

Our commitment to independent journalism is reflected in our thorough research practices and adherence to ethical guidelines. We prioritize accuracy and credibility when providing information to our readers.

Money exchanged for information or leads

We do not compensate sources for information that could infringe the rights of third parties. Financial transactions require approval and are conducted in accordance with legal and ethical standards.

Excessive covert operations and unethical or illegal reporting practices

We maintain ethical standards in our reporting practices and do not engage in illegal or unethical behavior. Transparency and integrity are paramount in all our journalistic efforts.

How we check facts

Our vetting process: Every review and guide we publish is fact-checked through a process that includes:

  • Thorough checking by our team of writers to confirm what we say is correct.
  • Careful editing by experienced editors to strengthen our editorial independence while continuing to focus on information that is clear and easy to understand.
  • Regular manual updates of rates and data – including discount codes and deals – to ensure they are correct and up to date.
  • Regular reviews of our editorial content to confirm it remains thorough, unbiased and relevant with your needs in mind.
  • While we make every effort to ensure that our information is accurate, we strongly recommend that you check the fine print on the product, brand or service you are interested in before making any decision.


We strive to be accurate and adhere to the highest journalistic standards. If you find an error, we would like to hear from you. Contact us with the subject “Correction” and provide us with the following information:

  • URL of the story with the error
  • Detailed description of the error
  • Correct information
  • Your contact details, so that we can contact you if necessary

We will evaluate and implement all corrections as quickly as possible.


The article is in Dutch

Tags: Rome Dutch Eyes Top Books


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