Today’s Word: Can you guess the word of the day? | Other

Today’s Word: Can you guess the word of the day? | Other
Today’s Word: Can you guess the word of the day? | Other
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You can find it every day on The word. In this word game you get six attempts to guess the word of the day. Log in and participate every day.

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  • You get six chances to guess the word of the day.
  • After each attempt, the boxes show how close you were.
  • A green box means that the letter is in the right place.
  • A yellow box means that the letter is in the word, but in a different place.
  • A gray box means that the letter is not in the word.

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Guess the word? Play one of our other games.

Comments in which the solution of The word information or in which the solution is hinted at will not be removed. Do you want The word Would you rather solve it without help? Only read the comments after you have played.

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Het Woord

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Todays Word guess word day


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