Bank of Taiwan to raise benchmark deposit rates

Bank of Taiwan to raise benchmark deposit rates
Bank of Taiwan to raise benchmark deposit rates

Bank of Taiwan (台灣銀行), the largest lender in the country, is to increase the benchmark one-year time savings deposit rate to a 15-year-high 1.715 percent from tomorrow following a surprise central bank rate hike.

The increase reflected a 12.5 basis-point key interest rate increase instituted by the central bank on Friday, Bank of Taiwan said.

The state-owned lender is also to increase its two-year time savings deposit rate and three-year time savings deposit rate by 0.125 percentage points to 1.750 percent and 1.785 percent respectively.

Photo: Lu Kuan-cheng, Taipei Times

Under the new rates, one-year time savings depositors who have NT$1 million (US$31,291) in their accounts would receive more than NT$17,280 in annual interest payments, up from NT$16,020, based on compound-rate calculations, Bank of Taiwan said .

On Thursday, the central bank said it would increase key interest rates the next day in light of higher Taiwan Power Co (台電) electricity rates effective from April 1.

After the central bank’s latest rate hike, Taiwan’s benchmark discount rate has increased to 2 percent.

The central bank said it has revised consumer price index growth to 2.16 percent for this year, above the 2 percent alert level it set as well as an earlier 1.89 percent forecast in December last year, prompting it to raise rates for the first time since March 2022.

The central bank’s decision came as a surprise after the US Federal Reserve on Wednesday left interest rates unchanged.

With the changes, Taiwan’s rate on accommodations with collateral has risen to 2.375 percent, while accommodations without collateral increased to 4.25 percent, the central bank said.

From March 2022 to March last year, the central bank raised interest rates 75 basis points, which led Bank of Taiwan’s one-year time savings deposit rate to increase to 1.59 percent from 0.84 percent.

Bank of Taiwan also had increased interest payments on deposits of NT$1 million to almost NT$16,020 from about NT$8,340 a year, based on compound rate calculations, during the same period.

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Bank Taiwan raise benchmark deposit rates


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