Big mystery surrounding Joost Klein planes through Europe(pa) | RTL Boulevard

Big mystery surrounding Joost Klein planes through Europe(pa) | RTL Boulevard
Big mystery surrounding Joost Klein planes through Europe(pa) | RTL Boulevard

Joost will represent the Netherlands tonight during the second semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest. His entry has been controversial for weeks, but the sudden appearance of these planes adds some extra mystery to his performance. The planes have already been spotted in Austria, Poland and the United Kingdom.

The striking thing is that Joost himself claims to have nothing to do with it. The singer is known for his quirky style and mysterious personality, but even he seems surprised by this unexpected show of appreciation.

Meanwhile, the rumor mill is working overtime. In the Netherlands and Belgium, many fans suspect that Nathan Vandergunst, better known as YouTuber Acid, may be involved in the planes flying around Europe. He is a very good friend of Joost and makes enough money with his videos on YouTube to pay for this.

While fans of Joost and the Eurovision Song Contest are eagerly awaiting his performance tonight, they also remain curious about who is behind this stunt.

In any case, Joost’s song ‘Europapa’ is well received by international fans. Joost is bursting with energy on the day of the semi-final:

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Big mystery surrounding Joost Klein planes Europepa RTL Boulevard


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