Hypothermia and malnourished puppies, with scabs and fleas: dog breeder from Glabbeek loses recognition after “serious violations” (Glabbeek)

Hypothermia and malnourished puppies, with scabs and fleas: dog breeder from Glabbeek loses recognition after “serious violations” (Glabbeek)
Hypothermia and malnourished puppies, with scabs and fleas: dog breeder from Glabbeek loses recognition after “serious violations” (Glabbeek)

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A dog breeder from Glabbeek in Flemish Brabant has lost his recognition. Flemish Minister of Animal Welfare Ben Weyts (N-VA) has withdrawn recognition from the company, with approximately 250 dogs, because a number of serious animal welfare violations had been identified.

The breeder may no longer carry out any activity as a dog breeder for at least 2 years, after several inspections revealed that the animals were severely neglected. Even after several warnings and reports, there appeared to be no improvement.

Puppies were hypothermic and malnourished, there was insufficient ventilation, and too few opportunities to go outside. Animals did not receive the necessary care, had bad teeth, were anxious, and had scabs or fleas. At the last check-up, a veterinarian had to be called in to euthanize a few puppies because they were in too poor condition.

“In the past, this may have been left blue, but now we intervene more quickly,” says Minister Weyts. “Anyone who cannot meet all the conditions cannot breed animals. If you do not take better care of the animals even after several warnings, this is the logical consequence.”

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Hypothermia malnourished puppies scabs fleas dog breeder Glabbeek loses recognition violations Glabbeek
