Van Bommel is disappointed: “Today we are canceling”


Cup winner and champion last season. Antwerp was able to win the Belgian Cup again, but Union won 1-0. Mark van Bommel left the field disappointed.

The Dutch trainer hoped to be able to say goodbye with a nice prize. “We are now experiencing what Union experienced last year in the competition. Today we are the ones who are suffering,” Van Bommel said at the press chat.

“The decision came at a standstill, but otherwise Union did little with the ball. This defeat is therefore all the more painful.”

Antwerp is at the bottom of Play-off 1 and will end the season as number six. Another disappointment. Mark van Bommel does not want to talk about a failed season.

“We won a prize with the super cup, played the Champions League. Then there are a lot of teams that had a bad year,” said Sporza. “I received a lot of messages from other trainers who would have really liked to be in this cup final. A lot of teams would love to be in our shoes today.”

READ ALSO: Alderweireld: “Antwerp will always exist”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Van Bommel disappointed Today canceling
