Will Vanhaezebrouck be working for the Belgian top club next year? “He always gets his way” – Football News

Will Vanhaezebrouck be working for the Belgian top club next year? “He always gets his way” – Football News
Will Vanhaezebrouck be working for the Belgian top club next year? “He always gets his way” – Football News

Hein Vanhaezebrouck’s story at KAA Gent ends after this season. But where will the Ghent coach go to work?

It has been clear for some time that there will be no new agreement with KAA Gent for Hein Vanhaezebrouck. Especially now that Wouter Vrancken has left KRC Genk and is heavily linked to the Buffalos, it seems like the decision has been made.

Although the question is of course where Vanhaezebrouck will work in the Jupiler Pro League, because he has no desire to retire yet. He has already been linked to several clubs heading into next season.

One of the options is Club Brugge. Then he must be able to convince the Blue Black board to put Nicky Hayen aside, because he has been doing extremely well since the dismissal of Ronny Deila.

On holiday together

Lorenzo Staelens does not think that Vanhaezebrouck is an option for Club Brugge and he has a very good reason for that, as Staelens makes clear in an interview with Gazet van Antwerpen following Club Brugge’s European semi-final.

“I have known Hein all my life, we went on holiday together as children. Hein always gets his way. If he wanted to fish, we went fishing. If he wanted to swim, we went swimming. I doubt whether they appreciate that at Club,” he is very clear.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Vanhaezebrouck working Belgian top club year Football News
