Bergs keeps clay court king Nadal talking for three sets and rewards himself with top 100


Internazionali BNL d’Italia

Zizou Bergs (108)

Rafael Nadal (244)



set 1



set 2



set 3


Zizou Bergs (ATP 108) failed to perform against Rafael Nadal in the first round of the Rome tournament. Our compatriot, who had worked his way up from the qualifications, was able to steal a set from his clay majesty, but ultimately fell. Bergs enters the world’s top 100 (virtually) for the first time in his career.

It just didn’t work out in Madrid, but at the clay court tournament in Rome, Zizou Bergs got a new chance to enter the top 100 in the world for the first time in his career. After Bergs had progressed from the qualifications, none other than his clay court majesty Rafael Nadal was waiting for him.

A win would definitely bring Bergs into the top 100, but it soon became clear that this would not be an obvious task. Nadal started hard and quickly got his first break. Pushed by the crowd, the Spaniard took some good shots early on, Bergs had been warned.

But Nadal is no longer the unbeatable player he was a few years ago. With good tennis at times, Bergs was able to fight back into the set. Our compatriot was able to rebreak again at 4-4 through Nadal’s serve. Bergs then scored set one on his own service.

Nadal fights back

His spark on the field may have diminished somewhat, but Nadal has not lost any of his determination despite the many injuries. In set two, Bergs saw his level drop somewhat, and Nadal eagerly took advantage of this. The Spaniard tied the game again: 3-6.

In set three, Bergs again had to give up his serve early. Nadal smelled blood and kept going, although he had to work hard for it in some games. Bergs collected a few more chances to score back, but missed them. At 4-5, Nadal finally finished it off.

Bergs misses the chance of a stunt against Nadal, but can look back on his match with satisfaction. Moreover, he is virtually assured of a place in the top 100 of the world. Barring a few stunts from competitors, he also retains that place.

Some highlights:

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