Groen wants lessons about sexual diversity and no more separate toilets at school | Domestic

Groen wants lessons about sexual diversity and no more separate toilets at school | Domestic
Groen wants lessons about sexual diversity and no more separate toilets at school | Domestic

Groen wants explicit minimum goals for gender and sexual orientation in education. That proposal is part of the ‘Rainbow Plan’ that the party is presenting on Thursday. “It is important that students receive the correct information about themes surrounding LGBTQIA+ (collective term for diversity of gender and sexual orientation, ed.). Children spend a lot of time at school. A safe environment to talk about this is essential,” said co-chair Nadia Naji and Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter.

According to Groen, the plan, based on five pillars, protects the rights of LGBTQIA+ people at home and abroad. “When an extreme right-wing wind arises, we must ensure the rights of LGBTQIA+ people wherever possible. In the constitution, in the classrooms or in residential care centers.”

First, school must be a safe place for every student. “More than 6 in 10 LGBTQIA+ students do not feel safe on the playground or in the classroom. By being taught and talking about sexual diversity, gender diversity and family diversity, students receive correct information from the schools and a strong signal,” it says. The party therefore wants to talk and learn about sexual diversity, gender diversity and family diversity in the curricula, in collaboration with expert civil society organizations.

Gender-inclusive toilets

The school environment must also become safe and inclusive, with gender-inclusive toilets, official communication in gender-inclusive language, a survey every five years into the well-being of LGBTQIA+ students and teachers in secondary education and a confidential counselor on racism and discrimination in every school. Teacher training and in-service training should also pay attention to how LGBTQIA+ acceptance at school can be increased.

A second pillar revolves around the protection of LGBTQIA+ rights in the constitution. For example, Groen wants written hate speech to be punished by correction, instead of assize. Discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people on the basis of identity characteristics – including sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and gender characteristics – must also be included in the constitution. “This means that extreme right-wing and conservative forces cannot roll back these rights,” said Naji and De Sutter.

Reporting point and action plan

There should also be a single reporting point for discrimination that actively helps and supports victims, and practical tests to detect LGBTQIA+ discrimination at work or in the housing market.

In addition, the party wants a Flemish and interfederal action plan, with special attention to the well-being of young people and seniors. For example, social workers and healthcare staff must pay more attention to LGBTQIA+ well-being during their training.

Finally, more money should go to development cooperation to protect LGBTQIA+ people. “In at least seven countries you get the death penalty if you have sex with someone of the same sex and in nine countries you end up behind bars for life. Our diplomats and humanitarian workers must protect LGBTQIA+ people by including the issue in our foreign policy,” it said. In addition, Groen wants a strong, enforceable European anti-discrimination law that protects everyone against all types of discrimination.

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Groen lessons sexual diversity separate toilets school Domestic
