Office of Tibet in Taiwan Leads Efforts to Revive Taiwanese Parliamentary Group for Tibet: Over 30 Legislators Poised to Join


Representative Kalsang Gyaltsen Bawa with Parliamentarian Hong Shenhan, vice chair of the Taiwanese parliamentary group for Tibet during the 10th Legislative Yuan.

Taipei: The Office of Tibet in Taipei, in collaboration with the Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, initiated a lobbying campaign at the end of March to re-establish the Taiwanese parliamentary group for Tibet in the 11th Legislative Yuan (Taiwanese Parliament).

Representative Kalsang Gyaltsen Bawa from the Office of Tibet, along with Secretary Mingyur Yudon and executive member of the Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, Tashi Tsering, paid a courtesy call upon distinguished parliamentarians to congratulate them on their election and implored them to remain a member of the group during their new tenure. The elected members were also appreciated and thanked for them years of constant support for the Tibetan cause and the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination.

On 29 March, the Tibetan delegation paid a visit to Hong Shenhan, the 10th Legislative Yuan’s vice chair of the Taiwanese parliamentary group for Tibet, to discuss holding a ceremony of re-establishment of the group on the day (17 May) of 29th enforced disappearance of His Serenity the 11th Panchen Lama Tenzin Gedhun Yeshi Trinley Phuntsok Pal Sangpo. The meeting also discussed dispatching Tashi Tsering to extend invitations to representatives of the Kashag and the Tibetan Parliament in Exile for that occasion.

Similarly, the Representative-led Tibetan delegation called on several other Taiwanese legislators, including Huang Jie on 1 April, Wang Dingyu on 3 April, and Shen Boyang, Qiu Zhiwei, Zhang Yalin, and Chen Peiyu on 11 April. On April 15, the team met with parliamentarian Chen Zhaozi, followed by Qiu Yiying and Fan Yun on April 17 and 23, respectively.

During the meetings with the aforementioned Taiwanese parliamentarians, the Tibetan delegation presented the Central Tibetan Administration’s appeal letter concerning the recent issue of Dam construction in Kham Derge, 16th Kashag’s vision paper, and calendars and paperweights engraved with His Holiness’ message and the symbolic “Ah Ka Ma” words to enlighten the new members on Tibetan political history. While extending gratitude to the old members, the Tibetan team visited newer members to join the Taiwanese parliamentary group for Tibet to bolster support.

In addition, the issue of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s reincarnation and the Chinese government’s misappropriation of it, current human rights situations inside Tibet, the representations of “Ah Ka Ma” words that were visualized in sacred Lhamoi Lhatso lake during the recognition of current Dalai Lama, and seeking assistance in addressing the difficulties faced by Tibetan refugees in obtaining visas to enter Taiwan were discussed during the interactions with Taiwanese parliamentarians.

More than 30 Taiwanese legislators expressed their intentions to join the Taiwanese parliamentary group for Tibet.

On 17 May, the delegation held a prep meeting with Parliamentarian Hong Shenhan to discuss programs for the upcoming re-establishment event of the parliamentary support group for Tibet.

-Report filed by Office of Tibet, Taiwan

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Office Tibet Taiwan Leads Efforts Revive Taiwanese Parliamentary Group Tibet Legislators Poised Join
