What We’re Eating Today: Caprese pasta salad | Cooking & Eating

What We’re Eating Today: Caprese pasta salad | Cooking & Eating
What We’re Eating Today: Caprese pasta salad | Cooking & Eating

A pasta salad that can be on the table in fifteen minutes is almost too good to be true. Still, you can do it with this caprese pasta salad. The tasty caprese combination is one that never bores. Will you serve the salad soon?

This recipe was provided by Eatertainment.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Number of servings: 2
Category: Main course, vegetarian

– 180 grams rigatoni
– 200 g colored tomatoes
– 150 g mozzarella balls
– 1 tbsp capers
– 45 g green pesto
– 4 sprigs of fresh basil
– Pepper and salt

Curious how to make the recipe? Check it out on Eatertainment.nl

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Eating Today Caprese pasta salad Cooking Eating
