Parking permit prices increased. You have to pay that much

Parking permit prices increased. You have to pay that much
Parking permit prices increased. You have to pay that much

Prices for parking permits have risen sharply in recent years. This demotivates car owners to park their four-wheeler in front of the door.

The price for a parking permit varies considerably per municipality. But in many places the price has risen considerably. This is evident from an analysis of ANP.

Parking in Zutphen

The most expensive parking permit for residents of the municipality of Lochem costs 75 euros per year. That is an increase of 55 percent compared to 2021. At that time, the most expensive parking permit cost more than 48 euros per year.

In both Zutphen and Lochem you mainly need a parking permit in the city center.

Parking in Lochem

In Zutphen you have to pay a lot more. The most expensive parking permit there costs 186 euros per year. However, the price has barely increased, just under 7 percent. In 2021, Zutphen residents paid 174 euros for the most expensive parking permit.

For comparison, a number of cities in the region. In Apeldoorn people pay more than 293 euros. In Deventer that is 336 euros for the most expensive permit.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Parking permit prices increased pay
