Taxi driver threatened with a knife after an argument about the price of a taxi ride | BredaToday

Taxi driver threatened with a knife after an argument about the price of a taxi ride | BredaToday
Taxi driver threatened with a knife after an argument about the price of a taxi ride | BredaToday

By means of: Michel Claessens

Thu May 9, 11:00 am


BREDA – A taxi driver was threatened with a knife last night after a dispute with a customer about the price of the taxi ride. The driver then fled from the car and alerted the police. The officers who arrived on the scene arrested a 56-year-old suspect.

The incident happened on the night of Wednesday to Thursday around 1:00 am on the Nieuwe Prinsenkade. The taxi driver was standing there waiting for customers when a man approached him. This man asked him how much it would cost to take him to the Beemden in The Hague. The driver told him that this would amount to around 30 euros. The man thought this was too expensive and he walked away again.

A little later the man came back and got into the taxi. He asked the driver to take him to Beemden in The Hague. Once there, he said that he did not intend to pay more than 15 euros. He also accused the driver of fraud. When the driver indicated that the man simply had to pay the entire amount, the suspect suddenly pulled out a knife and threatened the driver. The driver fled from the car and quickly called the police. Moments later, the 56-year-old suspect was arrested by rushing officers.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Taxi driver threatened knife argument price taxi ride BredaToday
