Passengers On Taiwan-US Flight Come To Blows As One Poaches Other’s Seat

Passengers On Taiwan-US Flight Come To Blows As One Poaches Other’s Seat
Passengers On Taiwan-US Flight Come To Blows As One Poaches Other’s Seat

Two passengers aboard a flight of Taiwan’s Eva Air came to blows earlier this week after one of them attempted to steal the other’s seat, the New York Post reported. The incident reportedly took place on May 7.

The clash erupted approximately three hours into an 11.5-hour flight from Taipei City to San Francisco in the US. A video of the incident has gone viral.

The clash allegedly started when one of the two men tried to switch his seat when the passenger beside him started coughing. He then grabbed an empty seat, but this didn’t go down well with the original occupant when he returned. A heated argument broke out and the argument gave way to a fist fight. The original occupant then charged at the man who had taken his seat before the crew intervened.

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In the viral video, three flight attendants are seen trying to stop the men from hitting each other. As they tussle and try to take swings at each other, one of the flight attendants is seen getting accidentally elbowed in the head.

Passengers Step In

The situation was briefly brought under control before the man who had poached the seat got up to reportedly attack the other passenger. As another tussle ensued in the aisle, some of the passengers got up to help the crew get the situation in control.

Over the remaining course of the flight, the New York Post reported, the two men continued to “point and shout at each other” but were kept apart.

After the flight landed, the report added, the two men were handed over to the San Francisco police at the airport.

EVA Airways has not responded to the incident at the time of writing this story.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Passengers TaiwanUS Flight Blows Poaches Seat
