‘Welcome to Europe while people die’: Parody sues Eurovision for ‘artwashing Israel’s #Gazagenocide’

‘Welcome to Europe while people die’: Parody sues Eurovision for ‘artwashing Israel’s #Gazagenocide’
‘Welcome to Europe while people die’: Parody sues Eurovision for ‘artwashing Israel’s #Gazagenocide’

The platforms FreePalestineNL (FPNL) and Arts of Resistance (AoR) have jointly released a parody of Joost Klein’s Eurovision entry ‘Europa-pa’. The title: ‘Europaganda’. They accuse the Eurovision Song Contest of ‘artwashing Israel’s Gazagenocide ’ and call for a boycott of the Eurovision Song Contest in any way.

“Welcome to Europe, while people are dying, Europa-pa. Propaganda. Welcome to Europe, stand there and look at, Palestine, Europa-pa”, sing five people in Amsterdam imitating Joost Klein with a blonde wig, fake moustache, sunglasses and blue tracksuit. In the meantime, images flash briefly of, among other things, Palestinian solidarity protests in Europe, F35s and EU leaders shaking hands with each other and Netanyahu.

Where Joost Klein met Europa-pa pays tribute to Europe, the platforms FreePalestineNL (FPNL) and Arts of Resistance (AoR) are a lot more critical of the continent: they point out the complicity of EU leaders in the current genocide in Gaza and also show that there is nevertheless, there is a broad and peaceful pro-Palestinian movement in Europe that calls for a ceasefire. That’s why they joined forces and created a parody of Joost Klein’s Eurovision entry Europa-pa made: Europaganda.

“At the end of the day, we are all human. But people are not equal, behind checkpoints and borders. It’s complicated,” is what you secretly whisper. But you see a genocide unfolding before your eyes”, according to the last sentences of the parody. At the end a black image appears with the text: “Eurovision, artwashing Israel’s gazagenocide “. Eurovision is written here with a heart wrapped in barbed wire and body bags.

“Don’t be little Joost, it is not too late to boycott the Eurovision Song Contest in any way,” FreePalestineNL and AoR urge. ‘Israel’s participation in Eurovision gives the country a platform to portray itself as fun, cultural and peace-loving, when in fact it is intended to cover up their ongoing war crimes against the Palestinians. With the EU’s support for the ongoing genocide, Europe itself is now complicit and that is not something to celebrate.’

That’s why ‘it’s time to boycott Eurovision, it’s time to hold our governments accountable for their complicity’, FreePalestineNL and Arts of Resistance call for.

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Europe people die Parody sues Eurovision artwashing Israels Gazagenocide
