Kobo Libra Color review: Colors make the man

Kobo Libra Color review: Colors make the man
Kobo Libra Color review: Colors make the man

The Kobo Libra Color and Kobo Clara Color are the first e-readers from e-reader brand Kobo with a color screen. It is the first time that an established brand uses a color E Ink screen. Is it a success or would Kobo have been better off developing a colorless successor to the Libra 2?

Kobo Libra Color

I’m very fond of my Kobo Libra 2. With handy buttons and 32 GB of storage space, it’s my favorite gadget I’ve purchased in years (except for the Steam Deck). As soon as the first rumors appeared online, we waited anxiously to see whether Kobo would really come with color screens.

The Kobo Libra Color is finally here. With a cheerful color on the screen before you activate the e-reader, it is quite a sensation. The Libra Color is said to be faster than its predecessor, but is the device too? And are the high expectations surrounding color screens met? I can answer all the questions after a test period.


Kobo Libra Color


7 inch Kaleido 3 E Ink screen (1680 x 1264 px)

Size and weight

161 x 144.6 x 8.3 millimeters, 199.5 grams




Dual 2GHz




IPX8, stylus capability, USB-C port, Bluetooth 5.0, battery LED light


Recycled plastic

What’s in the box?

  • Kobo Libra Color
  • Warranty booklet
  • Quick start guide
  • Power cable

Kobo Libra Color: the pros

1. A screen that comes to life

When unpacking it cannot be overlooked: this is an e-reader with a color screen. Colorful images and notes can be spotted on the packaging of the Kobo Libra Color. When you start for the first time, it is immediately quite a change. I have a decent library via Kobo and when I log in and synchronize all e-books appear in full glory.

The colors are not nearly as bright and striking as the physical versions of books, but that doesn’t spoil the fun for me. The soft, washed effect looks beautiful on the Kaleido 3 screen and gives you the feeling that you are holding paper in your hands.

At first glance, letters seem slightly less sharp than on the Libra 2, but this has improved by adjusting the brightness and Natural Light (imitating daylight and the night lamp as you know on a smartphone).

Now that I have used both my own Libra 2 and the Kobo Libra Color side by side, I notice that the Libra Color is my preference for reading. The screen is warmer, so I don’t have to adjust the natural light as intensely.

kobo libra 2 vs kobo libra color

The two e-readers next to each other. On the left the Kobo Libra 2, on the right the Kobo Libra Color

However, I set the brightness quite high to read more comfortably in bright daylight and in the house, which shortens the battery life. If I read in bed, I turn the backlight down a lot so that the battery lasts longer.

2. Twice faster

Smartphone enthusiasts will laugh at the upgrade, but the Libra Color has doubled down on the processor. Where the Libra 2 had a 1 Ghz processor, the Libra Color is now 2 Ghz. That sounds meager, but in reality it certainly makes a difference.

Navigating through my book collection as well as browsing through a book is visibly smoother and smoother. Loading books is also faster. After using both the Libra 2 and the Libra Color side by side, I notice that using the Color feels calmer and more comfortable.

3. Very easy to carry

The Kobo Libra Color is very light at only 199.5 grams. That is heavier than a smartphone, but of course much lighter than carrying books. The Color e-reader has slimmed down by about 15 grams compared to the Libra 2, which is noticeable when you hold both e-readers in your hands. The Libra Color is also slightly thinner, which you can especially see if you place the new e-reader next to its predecessor.

The e-reader is also nice and thin and compact, so you can take the device with you in many bags. I managed to take the e-reader with me to a party in a larger handbag (reading a few chapters on the train).

Kobo Libra 2 and Kobo Libra Color next to each other

On the left the Kobo Libra 2, on the right the Kobo Libra Color

4. Take notes with the stylus

New in the Libra series is the option to use a stylus. The Kobo Stylus 2 can be used together with the Libra Color, without requiring a Bluetooth connection. You can activate the stylus by briefly charging the pen with USB-C and then placing it against your Libra Color.

You can highlight text by pressing and holding the button at the bottom. As soon as you release the stylus, the text will have a colored highlight. If you press it, you can choose a cheerful color, add a note, search or remove the highlight.

take notes on a kobo libra color

You can find the marks you make in any book by tapping the table of contents at the bottom left and then Notes to select. You will find the date of your note, which chapter it is in and what you have highlighted.

You can also create notebooks and write in them. Consider, for example, a to-do list, a monthly planner or a notebook. The pen feels quite natural. Every now and then I accidentally press the highlighter button, but it takes some getting used to.

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Kobo Libra Color: the negatives

1. Battery life no improvement

It is already a fact with Kaleido 3 that this is not the most efficient screen technology in terms of battery life. This is mainly due to the fact that color E-Ink is still relatively new. If you compare the Libra Color with the Libra 2, which has a Carta E-Ink screen, you will notice that the predecessor lasts longer.

Color screens are still less energy efficient for the time being, so this is mainly something you have to decide for yourself whether this is a deal breaker. If you place battery life above the ability to read your books and comics in color, then the Libra 2 or a Kobo Sage may be the better option. With the Libra Color you can count on several weeks of battery life with an average of two hours of reading per day.

reading comic books on the kobo libra color

2. Not suitable for everyone

There is a big discussion around color screens for e-readers, mainly around saturation and contrast. Not everyone is enthusiastic about E Ink colors. For example, there are users who find the colors on the Libra Color and Clara Color too ‘washed out’ or the text not sharp enough.

I really like the way colors are displayed. The washed out effect gives the same effect as a newspaper or a comic book (like Prince Valiant, which my mother kept in the closet for years). For example, neon pink books appear as a soft pink and match the white casing beautifully.

kobo libra color review color screen

It is therefore perhaps not so much a negative, but an important side note. An e-book will not look nearly as colorful and sharp on a Libra Color as the physical paperback or hardcover. If you want a brighter color display, you will ultimately end up with a tablet. Do you appreciate the soft, paper look? Then the Libra Color will make you happy from the first use.


The Kobo Libra Color is a luxurious, wonderful upgrade compared to the Libra 2 in several areas. Even as a first e-reader, you can’t really make a wrong choice by going for the Color. With smooth software and a paper look you can read very comfortably and take endless books with you.

Mainly the upgrade to a 2 GHz processor and the color screen make the Libra Color a truly versatile e-reader. However, in today’s technological age, color E Ink is not for everyone: colors are less bright and give books a ‘washed-out’ effect. However, this can actually be a plus for a number of enthusiasts.

The only real downside is the battery life, which lasts less long than the Libra 2. This is partly due to the Kaleido 3 screen: color screens simply require more from the battery than black and white. However, that does not mean that you have to charge every day: in my case, I had to charge twice during a test period of about three weeks with 1 to 2 hours of reading every day.

kobo libra color with colors


There are a number of alternatives on the market if you’re not convinced by the Kobo Libra Color. First of all, there are e-readers with a color screen from the Pocketbook brand. Pocketbook e-readers are more expensive and available in fewer places in the Netherlands, but are an alternative if you want an e-reader that offers more color.

Want the sideloading capabilities and usability of Kobo? Then the Kobo Libra 2 is still recommended. With nice buttons, an ergonomic design and excellent battery life, this has been the market leader in recent years and tops many buying guides. The Libra 2 is also a few bucks cheaper, you still get 32 ​​GB of storage and you have a 7-inch Carta screen that is very pleasant to read.

kobo libra 2

The Kobo Libra 2 is an excellent alternative if you do not want a color screen

No Kobo and no color screen? Then the recent Kindle Paperwhite could be an option. Please note that you purchase your e-books from Amazon and some versions contain advertisements. Also, the Kindle Paperwhite doesn’t have page-turn buttons.

Buy Kobo Libra Color

The Kobo Libra Color has been available in the Netherlands since April 30, 2024. You pay a suggested retail price for the e-reader 299.99 euros. You can choose from the colors black and white. The Kobo Stylus 2, which can be seen in the review, is available separately with a suggested retail price of 69.99 euros.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Kobo Libra Color review Colors man
