Patrick Goots still fears a dark edge to Royal Antwerp FC’s season – Football News

Patrick Goots still fears a dark edge to Royal Antwerp FC’s season – Football News
Patrick Goots still fears a dark edge to Royal Antwerp FC’s season – Football News

No new cup triumph for Royal Antwerp FC. Patrick Goots takes stock and says what is still possible for The Great Old.

Conceding a goal at a bad time has often proven to be the death blow for Royal Antwerp FC in recent weeks. The problem that has been going on for months also continued in the final of the Croky Cup.

The contrast with last year is enormous. Then everything went well at the right times, now everything goes wrong at the bad times. “The team played football according to ‘the plan’, from a strong organization, until a goal was conceded out of the blue. Once again at a standstill,” Goots tells Gazet van Antwerpen.

Antwerp had to attack and tried to, but Vincent Janssen never got into a position where he had a real chance. Ekkelenkamp and Alderweireld made an attempt, but that was it in the end.

Six out of six

Now the team still has the difficult task of attempting to enforce European football. Six out of six against Cercle Brugge and KRC Genk is absolutely necessary. Although the question marks are high, especially if the many departures can still turn the switch.

“This loss will not go unnoticed. An important but tough task awaits Toby Alderweireld to get the players sharp again by Sunday, in order to preserve the water chance. If Antwerp also chooses to ignore European football after losing the cup final, the season will still have a dark edge.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Patrick Goots fears dark edge Royal Antwerp FCs season Football News
