Remarkable transfer: Manchester City signs 14-year-old American top talent … for within four years

Remarkable transfer: Manchester City signs 14-year-old American top talent … for within four years
Remarkable transfer: Manchester City signs 14-year-old American top talent … for within four years

Remarkable transfer in football country. Manchester City have signed 14-year-old Cavan Sullivan, a top American talent. In other words, it is already certain that he will move to Man City within four years.

Cavan Sullivan is barely 14 years old, but is already a phenomenon in America. YouTube is full of compilation videos showing his goals, assists and dribbles. The American midfielder will now do so at Philadelphia Union, a team in the American highest descent – Major League Soccer. The competition in which Lionel Messi can also be admired every week.

Sullivan, beautifully decked out in costume, was introduced at a press conference as the team’s new addition. “I’ve always wanted to start my career here because this is my home and I’ve always been on the sidelines at Quinn’s games (his brother who also plays for Philadelphia Union, ed.) and I’ve been in and around the club when my uncle worked here. I have always been inspired to play for this culture and these fans are special,” he said diplomatically.

But he also admitted that something else played a role in his choice of Philadelphia Union. “I also think that the collaboration between the Union and the City Group did it for me. I always watch Man City. They are every kid’s dream team. Philadelphia and Man City sat together and agreed on ‘something’. “I sat down with my family and my agents and we decided this was the best plan,” he remains a bit mysterious. What he really meant: Philadelphia Union and Man City agreed, at least according to ESPN, that Sullivan will transfer to Man City at the age of eighteen. That’s called investing early in the next generation.

Watch Sullivan’s press conference here:

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One of the many compilation videos of Sullivan’s football skills:

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Remarkable transfer Manchester City signs #14yearold American top talent years
