Why Van Bommel is gloomy for Antwerp: “It will take a long time before they hear that CL tune at the Bosuil, if it ever happens at all” – Football News

Why Van Bommel is gloomy for Antwerp: “It will take a long time before they hear that CL tune at the Bosuil, if it ever happens at all” – Football News
Why Van Bommel is gloomy for Antwerp: “It will take a long time before they hear that CL tune at the Bosuil, if it ever happens at all” – Football News

The end of a very successful period… Mark van Bommel was right when he said that no one could convince him that Antwerp had a bad season. But if you are left empty-handed after such a bear year, it still hurts. And it didn’t have to be this way.

No, we are not going to claim that we know better than Van Bommel. There was something to be said for his tactics, although any true football fan will not be happy with them. The Dutchman openly admitted that Antwerp had not come to play football at Heysel.

Good plan, although everyone felt it coming

Why? “Because Union doesn’t know what to do when they get the ball,” he explained. Although we think that the truth is a bit of violence. Yes, you do take away their greatest weapon: the counter. No, Union can certainly force something with the ball.

But show us the team in Belgium that can break a double belt with ease. Antwerp had eight men in front of the goal in the first half, sometimes as many as ten. Being Union, you have to count on Puertas having a brilliant idea. Or some luck.

This also happened in that one minute of extra time in the first half when a corner advanced to the second post where Machida could tap in. Everyone in the stadium felt such a phase coming. Antwerp has not been known for its luck or its top defense in recent months.

Ekkelenkamp is no Vermeeren

Van Bommel also feared that. But why not develop that power play right away? Union is having a hard time with that. Antwerp has lost some of its identity over the course of the season. It was neither fish nor meat. Mentality: yes. Efficiency: no.

That also makes you despondent in the long run. Antwerp has such a hard time creating opportunities. And then we always come back to the departure of Arthur Vermeeren. He was the brains in midfield. The one who created space for the others by passing the ball around quickly and precisely.

Jurgen Ekkelenkamp does not have that ‘stroke of genius’. A hard worker, but not a ten. Barely 2 assists in 48 matches this season. With Keita and Yusuf behind you you have even more workers. Van Bommel also knew: this is not how you play Union out of context. And Ejuke? Nice footballer, but zero efficiency.

Van Bommel has a bleak view of the future

Van Bommel got the most out of it. There is a feeling that the only thing he could have done differently was to make it a fun finale. But if you fight against Union with an open mind… Van Bommel indirectly pointed to the situation at the Bosuil.

“It will be a long time before they hear the Champions League tune again, if at all.” Antwerp was artificially guided to the double last season, thanks to the many millions of Paul Gheysens. Without those millions… they can’t compete with the top teams.

Construction must begin again this summer. Of the strong holders, only Toby Alderweireld may remain. Mark van Bommel is leaving, Marc Overmars is still suspended until November and his future at Antwerp is also in doubt. A construction site… And we are certainly not just talking about Tribune 2.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Van Bommel gloomy Antwerp long time hear tune Bosuil Football News
