Darter Kim Huybrechts breaks collarbone in a brawl after the Antwerp-Union cup final

Darter Kim Huybrechts breaks collarbone in a brawl after the Antwerp-Union cup final
Darter Kim Huybrechts breaks collarbone in a brawl after the Antwerp-Union cup final

© IMAGO/Pro Sports Images, Facebook

Darter Kim Huybrechts (38) was involved in a fight in Brussels on Thursday evening after the football match between Antwerp and Union. He suffered a double fracture of the collarbone on the side of his throwing arm.

Huybrechts had gone to watch the cup final at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels, but was involved in a brawl afterwards. According to a post on his dart shop’s Facebook page, he was “attacked from behind by Moroccans [sic]” as he returned to their buses with a crowd of other Antwerp supporters. A group allegedly wanted to provoke supporters in a park and the atmosphere became grim.

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The darts player wanted to pass the line through an opening in the fence to get to the buses faster when he was attacked, it is said. “While Kim was lying on the ground and taking punches, he suffered a double fracture of the collarbone, unfortunately in his right arm.” That’s the throwing arm of ‘The Hurricane’.

Huybrechts will undergo surgery on Friday. It is unclear how long he will be out of action. “Thank you in advance to everyone for the sweet messages,” it said on Facebook.

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Tags: Darter Kim Huybrechts breaks collarbone brawl AntwerpUnion cup final
