Why porn star Jada Sparks (34) will now do it with four fewer ribs: “I am the first Belgian to have the procedure done” | Roeselare

Why porn star Jada Sparks (34) will now do it with four fewer ribs: “I am the first Belgian to have the procedure done” | Roeselare
Why porn star Jada Sparks (34) will now do it with four fewer ribs: “I am the first Belgian to have the procedure done” | Roeselare

She is the very first in our country to have her lower ribs removed to have a smaller waist, and Jada Sparks (34) is quite proud of that. The Roeselare porn star noted that the extreme and rare operation was very difficult, painful and not without risk. “After the operation I had trouble breathing. They already feared the worst complication,” says Jada, who again followed the Streamz documentary ‘Chasing Beauty: The Price of Perfection?’ before and after the cosmetic procedure. She talks about her fiftieth procedure, how she deals with criticism and her plans for the future.

Charlotte Degezelle

10-05-24, 05:35

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: porn star Jada Sparks ribs Belgian procedure Roeselare
