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City launches new campaign against litter: “Too lazy, too tired or too stupid, those are no excuses” (Antwerp)


Antwerp’s Alderman for City and Neighborhood Maintenance Els van Doesburg (N-VA) is launching a new campaign against litter at the Droogdokkenpark: “Too lazy, too fed up or too stupid to throw your rubbish in the bin?”

Unfortunately, it has become a recurring phenomenon: when the weather is nice, Antwerp residents go to the parks, but when they leave again the park looks like a dump. The new campaign against litter reminds people of their responsibility: “There are no excuses to simply leave waste on the ground,” says Alderman Els van Doesburg. “We want to make that clear with this campaign. It’s disrespectful to those who have to clean it up later. With this campaign we appeal to people fat bag mentality.”

Large billboards will be placed in Park Spoor Noord, the Droogdokkenpark and the Groenplaats. In addition, posters with the same message will appear in various places in the city.

© City of Antwerp

“Every year, more than 15,000 tons of illegal dumping and litter are cleared up in Antwerp. That costs the city more than 37 million euros,” says Van Doesburg. “This is money that we could better use for other things.”

It is yet another campaign about litter and illegal dumping. Do they have an effect? “Effect or not, I feel like we have to keep doing this. The tone of this campaign is also stronger. You have to keep pointing people out about their behavior.”(svw)

The article is in Dutch


Tags: City launches campaign litter lazy tired stupid excuses Antwerp