Comic Con Brussels: for 470 euros take a photo with the Hobbits from ‘The Lord of the Rings’

Comic Con Brussels: for 470 euros take a photo with the Hobbits from ‘The Lord of the Rings’
Comic Con Brussels: for 470 euros take a photo with the Hobbits from ‘The Lord of the Rings’

25-year-old VUB student Maarten V. has been a fan of the film franchise since childhood and comes to Comic Con especially for the five hobbits (Sam, Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Gollum). Brussels is the first time ever that the actors have traveled together to a meeting in Europe. “It’s cool that I can see all the actors in real life at the same time,” he says. “In the past, an actor has sometimes come to the event, but the fact that I can now meet them all together in person is a unique opportunity.”

Quinte Ridz, organizer of Comic Con Brussels, emphasizes this rarity. “There has already been a reunion in San Francisco. Last weekend the actors held a reunion in Liverpool and now they are coming to Brussels,” he reports. “That is also the last stop of their tour.”

Throughout the weekend, fans have the opportunity to take a picture with the actors or ask for an autograph. It does come with a hefty price tag. Anyone who wants to pose with the five hobbits will pay no less than 470 euros. A separate photo with Elijah Wood, who plays the role of Frodo in the films, costs 120 euros. “I don’t let such prizes pass me by,” says Maarten. He is satisfied with the panel discussion that will take place on Saturday evening.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Comic Con Brussels euros photo Hobbits Lord Rings
