Police confiscate banned electric bicycle during traffic control in Kiel

Police confiscate banned electric bicycle during traffic control in Kiel
Police confiscate banned electric bicycle during traffic control in Kiel

© Antwerp Police


The Antwerp police held a control action in the Kiel area on Thursday. A prohibited electric bicycle, among other things, was seized.

The traffic support team (VOT) of the South Region saw someone riding around on a bicycle in the Kiel Park without having to pedal. “It is prohibited in our country without a means of transport,” explains the Antwerp police. “The electric fat bike was therefore not insured or registered and was therefore seized.”

The police also had the car of a dangerous driver immobilized. “A Dutch vehicle was driving at too high a speed near the Boomsesteenweg. During inspection, the VOT got the impression that the driver was driving under the influence of narcotics. The suspicion was confirmed after a drug test,” said the police, who immediately revoked the man’s driver’s license.

A novice driver also lost his driver’s license. “The attention of the police officers was attracted by the sound of a motorcycle that seemed to be speeding too fast,” said the police, who quickly spotted the motorcycle. “Without paying attention to other road users, the driver made his way through the small narrow streets in the area.”

The police gave chase, but had to drive at 80 kilometers per hour to intercept the motorcyclist. “During the inspection, the novice driver indicated that he had not noticed that he was driving through a zone 30. On the orders of the public prosecutor’s office, the driver’s driver’s license was immediately revoked for 15 days due to unsafe traffic behavior.”

In addition to various traffic violations, the police also discovered 13 illegal dumpings. “A number of the perpetrators ran away, but will still be confronted with their behavior on the basis of camera images.”


The article is in Dutch


Tags: Police confiscate banned electric bicycle traffic control Kiel
