Belgium and the Netherlands discover Boskat with their first album: “Powerful rock with many variations” (Boechout)

Belgium and the Netherlands discover Boskat with their first album: “Powerful rock with many variations” (Boechout)
Belgium and the Netherlands discover Boskat with their first album: “Powerful rock with many variations” (Boechout)

Tibo Polleunis and Vincent Van Santfoort and their suits together form Boskat. — © Filip Spoelders


With the release of their first album and a tour, front singer Vincent Van Santfoort from Vremde and his drummer Tibo Polleunis are clearly coming to the fore with their band Boskat. “We are certainly looking abroad,” the duo indicates.

The numbers of Welcome to Planet Urmit take listeners on a musical journey that Vincent and Tibo have composed and refined in recent years. “We had already recorded an EP before corona and I continued to write songs during the pandemic. In the meantime, the drummer I founded Boskat with has left the band. I found Tibo, who comes from Bruges, the ideal new drummer to fully launch our musical project,” says singer and guitarist Vincent Van Santfoort.

Vincent is a session musician with Natalia and Coely.

Vincent is a session musician with Natalia and Coely. — © RR

As a session musician he plays with Natalia, Coely and Helmut, among others. Lotti goes Metal, while Toby follows the path of jazz with his side projects. “It shows our broad interest in music. This is reflected in Boskat’s songs, which represent powerful rock with varied touches such as punk, grunge and even pop.”

Their first album contains eleven songs, one of which features Rudeboy from Urban Dance Squad. To discover the style, fans should definitely see one of their live performances. They recently performed in the sold-out Vooruit Theater Hall by Boechout.

The artwork on the album is part of Boskat's look.

The artwork on the album is part of Boskat’s look. — © RR

“We work very hard on our live show. Our fans must experience this as a total experience of music, sound and light. We perform with our Boskat suits that match the appearance. In recent months we have performed a lot in Belgium and the Netherlands to present our album. A show awaits in Lanzarote in September. Our songs are listened to online all over the world, from Australia to Los Angeles. This gives us a boost to continue working steadily because we are certainly looking abroad.”

While the performance of Welcome to Planet Urmit is still ongoing, follow-up work is being done. “In addition to our other musical projects, we really want to make Boskat something that is ours. We are working on new work. Something can be expected again by the autumn.”

On May 19, Boskat will be at the Kalmthout Street Festival.

Info: You can discover Boskat via Instagram or Facebook and on Spotify.

The duo will certainly tour Belgium, the Netherlands and Lanzarote until September.

The duo will certainly tour Belgium, the Netherlands and Lanzarote until September. — © RR

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Belgium Netherlands discover Boskat album Powerful rock variations Boechout
