Just Brussels about the impact of a strike: ‘Put uncollected waste bags back inside’

Just Brussels about the impact of a strike: ‘Put uncollected waste bags back inside’
Just Brussels about the impact of a strike: ‘Put uncollected waste bags back inside’

Brussels on Friday afternoon made an interim assessment of the strike actions that disrupt the collection of garbage bags and containers. The impact depends greatly from municipality to municipality and from collection round.

Remarkable: in the municipalities of Etterbeek and Molenbeek all orange bags (with food remains) remained, in Schaerbeek this applied to almost all orange bags. This can lead to a smelly mess on the sidewalk if animals tear open the bags, which are not in an orange container.

“We are going to organize catch-up rounds, depending on the available staff,” says Net Brussels about those bags left behind on the sidewalk. “However, we ask residents and traders in the municipalities where the bags would not have been collected the day after the nuisance, to collect those bags as much as possible.”

With their action, the strikers want to denounce the accumulation of vacation days. These cannot be included due to lack of staff. Many citizens appear not to be aware of the strike calendar, as could be deduced from the street scene earlier this month.

Affected municipalities

This was the balance after the morning rounds, per affected municipality:


  • White bags: 85% collected


  • Orange bags: 0% collected


  • Green bags: 75% collected
  • Orange bags: 75% collected


  • White bags: 85% collected
  • Yellow bags: 94% collected
  • Green bags: 0% collected
  • Orange bags: 0% collected


  • White bags: 70% collected
  • Yellow bags: 70% collected
  • Green bags: 75% collected
  • Orange bags: 75% collected


  • White bags: 82% collected
  • Yellow bags: 50% collected
  • Green bags: 5% has been collected
  • Orange bags: 5% has been collected


  • White bags: 50% collected
  • Yellow bags: 80% collected


  • White bags: 70% has been collected
  • Yellow bags: 75% has been collected

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Brussels impact strike Put uncollected waste bags
