Paul Van Tigchelt at Luk Alloo: “If Vlaams Belang is in power tomorrow, I will move to another country”

Paul Van Tigchelt at Luk Alloo: “If Vlaams Belang is in power tomorrow, I will move to another country”
Paul Van Tigchelt at Luk Alloo: “If Vlaams Belang is in power tomorrow, I will move to another country”

Every day until the elections, television maker Luk Alloo talks to a well-known politician who aspires to a seat in parliament. Next up: Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open VLD). “If Vlaams Belang is in power tomorrow, I will move to another country with my children,” he says. Who would he like to join Open VLD? “Elio Di Rupo”, it sounds certain. “Very charming, phlegmatic man.”

1 minute

Paul Van Tigchelt is given one minute by Alloo to address the young people and motivate them to vote for them. “I want to make sure that you have as good a time as I did in my youth. And the good news is: that is possible. This country, this planet, is not at risk.”

300 billion euros

Suppose you were suddenly allowed to spend a bag of money worth 300 billion euros? “We are first, of course, going to live up to the liberal mantra. Less taxes and more money for our people. We need our education upgrade. That is the best way to give people opportunities in our society. We are going to provide modern school buildings and give our teachers more money. We are going to start our education again top of the bill make of this world.”

It’s been said

Not so long ago you said: “They know: when Van Tigchelt calls, it is not to complain.” Will he stick to his statement? “Yeah right. I know who to call. I know everyone in the intelligence and security world and I know what those people need. Yes, I can call them if there is a problem.”

Short questions

Which TV program would you like to present? “I would like to have a sports program on Canvas. Every night. With attention to sports that do not receive much media attention.”

The truth

Since October 2023 you are full time Minister of justice. Why did you embrace the most difficult department? “I don’t experience that as the most difficult department, that’s mine métier. I am a magistrate who has worked in various positions: at the prosecutor’s office, as a drug magistrate, at the anti-terrorist body. I worked at the Home Office, so I know the crisis center well. I have been a spokesperson, so I know the press well. I know parliament well… I have not experienced Justice as a difficult department.”

Why on us

Why should people vote for Open VLD? “People must vote for Open VLD: one everyone must get to work. The difference between working and not working must become greater. A difference of at least 500 euros net. Secondly, we must give more oxygen to our companies. Our companies groan under the urge to regulate, environmental permits, and so on. And the third point is: our government must be more economical. Our tax money is not always well spent. The government must give more value for its money.”

And why should citizens vote for Paul Van Tigchelt? “Because I am really credible and honest. I don’t tell people any bullshit. I am new to politics. I have been advised to be myself, so I will do that.”

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Paul Van Tigchelt Luk Alloo Vlaams Belang power tomorrow move country
