Couple discovers during renovation work that a Ouija board has been nailed above the inner door: “Everything removed and burned”

Couple discovers during renovation work that a Ouija board has been nailed above the inner door: “Everything removed and burned”
Couple discovers during renovation work that a Ouija board has been nailed above the inner door: “Everything removed and burned”

An American couple wanted to spruce up their house before selling it, but discovered something terrifying during the renovation work. Above an interior door was nailed a piece of a Ouija board, a board with which you can supposedly communicate with spirits and ghosts. “I don’t believe in such things anymore, but I was still shocked,” said Angelika. “Before we moved, I removed everything and burned it as a precaution.”

In 2020, Angelika moved into a beautiful house in Salem, a city in the American state of Oregan, with her fiancé and two children. Salem sounds familiar because the town was the scene of an infamous witch hunt. In 1692, a group of women were captured after being accused of witchcraft. They were tortured and eventually executed. Since then, Salem has been known as the city of witches. Perhaps it’s not surprising that strange things were happening in Angelika and her family’s home.

“We often heard strange knocking in the house and when I worked from home and left my desk during a video call, my colleagues also heard strange noises,” he said. “One day there were suddenly hundreds of flies on the bedroom ceiling and we had to deal with a rat plague.” When a water pipe also burst, the family decided to move, two years after they bought the house. “And that’s why we wanted to renovate some things: the interior doors, the sanitary facilities, …”

The six pieces of the Ouija board, a game that allowed you to communicate with spirits, marketed by Parker Brothers at the end of the 19th century

It was during those renovation works that Angelika’s partner suddenly screamed. “I started filming when I heard him calling,” said Angelika, who is only now sharing the images she made two years ago on Tiktok. “And then I saw the Ouija board, in six pieces. It was nailed above the door and looked like it had been there for a while.” The American initially suspected that her fiancé was playing a prank, but he swore he had nothing to do with it.

Before Angelika closed the door of the Salem home for good, she removed the six pieces of the Ouija board and carefully burned everything in the garden. “I didn’t tell the new residents anything,” he says in a series of videos that have already been viewed millions of times. “But now that it’s on Tiktok, they might find out. Hopefully they enjoy the house a bit.”

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: Couple discovers renovation work Ouija board nailed door removed burned
