Just text Brussels: how the EU is interfering with porn websites | Politics

Just text Brussels: how the EU is interfering with porn websites | Politics
Just text Brussels: how the EU is interfering with porn websites | Politics

Renske Kruitbosch is a comedian from the Deventer area, Hans Nijenhuis correspondent in Brussels. They text about the European elections of June 6. This time about porn. Is Brussels also interfering in this?

Renske Kruitbosch: Hans hellooooohoooooo! Pornooooo! I never thought that the European Parliament had a hand in making rules for sex sites. Now of course you’re going to pretend you have no idea about that, right? But what about that, do you know?

Hans Nijenhuis: The only porn I see is done by the pigeons on my balcony. Indeed, the EU is not a sexy topic, but it has recently started getting involved in porn. Did you know that Pornhub, Xvideo and Stripchat each have more than 45 million visitors per month in the EU? This makes them, just like Facebook, Google and YouTube, so-called ‘very large platforms’. And the EU recently introduced rules for this. To combat the spread of illegal content and protect users.

Renske Kruitbosch: At Stripchat I imagine Donald Duck. In combination with porn, that’s a bit strange… Although: Donald never wears pants, of course. What rules are drawn up by the EU?

Hans Nijenhuis: These sites must ensure that no minors are visible, but also that no minors are viewing them. According to some figures, a third of online porn viewers are under the age of 18! Porn websites are already obliged to check whether their visitors are of legal age, but the checks are now limited to a pop-up window asking you whether you are younger or older than 18.

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Renske Kruitbosch: Hahaha yes, boy. That is the liquor store asking the minor: ‘Are you 18?’ and the teenager who nods yes politely and with dry eyes and does not have to show any identity. I would do that too! I’ve done that too, by the way. Anyway: how could it be better, Hans?

Hans Nijenhuis: In some American states you have to show your driver’s license in front of your webcam. But we find that difficult in Europe due to privacy concerns. After all, watching porn is not a punishable offense, but most users do not want to openly admit that they do it. Suppose your boss discovers that this is how you spend your days! In France they have been thinking for some time about a ‘porn passport’, a kind of DigiD X. Last month, the EU governments agreed to do it together: develop a European ‘tool’ for age verification. But what that will be remains to be seen.

Renske Kruitbosch: I just read that you have to show ‘evidence’ in front of the webcam. Sort of like a dickpic or ikpic, but different. Well, the boss should be happy! I recently read that an orgasm releases happiness hormones and makes you healthier. Everyone on porn instead of pills! Bring on that porn passport.

Hans Nijenhuis: I can already see you applying for an extension at the counter in the town hall, Rens…

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: text Brussels interfering porn websites Politics
