Forget sangria: This refreshing drink is on the rise!

Forget sangria: This refreshing drink is on the rise!
Forget sangria: This refreshing drink is on the rise!

Read on and learn how to make an authentic tinto de verano yourself. Here is a little background information about this great Spanish summer drink.

Tinto de verano originates in the Andalusian region of southern Spain and has been consumed since the early 20th century. Although it is less known outside Spain than sangria, tinto de verano is often the favorite drink of many people in Spain itself due to its refreshing nature and ease of preparation.

The word ‘tinto de verano’ literally means ‘red wine of summer’ in Spanish. Tinto de Verano is simple to prepare: it consists of equal parts red wine and gaseosa, which is a slightly sweet carbonated soft drink. We would like to give you the recipe to get started yourself!

What you need:

– 1/2 liter of red wine

– 1/2 liter carbonated lemonade such as Sprite or 7Up

– Ice cubes

– Slices of lemon or orange for garnish

How to make it:

1. Fill a large glass halfway with ice water.

2. Add equal parts red wine and carbonated soda.

3. Stir the mixture and then garnish with a slice of lemon or orange.

4. Serve immediately.

Although tinto de verano is traditionally prepared with gaseosa, it can be difficult to find this drink outside Spain. Sprite, 7Up or another sparkling lemonade can also be used as an alternative.

Try the recipe for tinto de verano yourself and taste a piece of authentic Spanish summer fun. On a sultry summer evening or sunny spring day, this refreshing drink is the perfect choice. Salud!

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Forget sangria refreshing drink rise
