Change of course imminent in Brussels: ‘Center of gravity to the divided right’

Change of course imminent in Brussels: ‘Center of gravity to the divided right’
Change of course imminent in Brussels: ‘Center of gravity to the divided right’

About the episode

Another month and then the Netherlands and 26 other EU member states will go to the polls for a new European Parliament. The right is in favor of winning and it looks like we will see a change of course in Brussels. But the question remains how big it will be. According to political scientist and professor of European Politics at KU Leuven Steven van Hecke, the right-wing parties are too divided to arrive at a single common position. Bernard Hammelburg talks to him throughout this broadcast.

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What is striking is that most right-wing parties are no longer in favor of leaving the EU. It is much more about the direction of the EU and how it must change from within. Yet Van Hecke thinks that the largest groups – the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats – will hold the key to the majority. Although Ursula von der Leyen will have to move more to the right in a new appointment as President of the European Commission. This could include support for Ukraine and European climate policy.

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There are many prejudices about the European Union and the way it works. Bernard Hammelburg presents this to Europe correspondent Stefan de Vries, who also has a timetable with what you should pay attention to between June 6 and 9.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Change imminent Brussels Center gravity divided
