What is Belgium worth? “With those many ministers?”

What is Belgium worth? “With those many ministers?”
What is Belgium worth? “With those many ministers?”

A dialogue on this Facebook

First vote – [een klaaglied dat je wel vader hoort in diverse toonaarden van cynisme en defaitisme, van klacht en teleurstelling. Deze versie is vrij sereen en gedocumenteerd]

-“Just a reminder, now that the election battle is about to start again:
Belgium has 6 governments: the Federal Government, the Flemish Government, the Walloon Government, the Government of the French Community, the Government of the German-speaking Community and the Brussels Government.
Each of those governments has a prime minister, so 6 in total.
Each of these governments has a number of deputy prime ministers: 16 in total (7 federal, 3 Flemish government, 3 Walloon community, 2 French community, 1 German community). And each of those governments has a number of “ordinary” ministers: 24 in total (7 federal, 5 Flemish government, 4 Walloon government, 2 French community, 4 Brussels government, 2 German-speaking community). We are not yet considering the number of “secretaries of state” at each level.
So a total of 46 ministers: wages, pensions and retirement benefits: many hundreds of millions of euros at the expense of the taxpayer for often completely unnecessary functions.

No country in the world imitates us. That is why we are proud to be Belgian! Brussels, called by some hellhole mentioned, Brussels alone not only has a prime minister and four ministers, but also 19 political gnomes who act as mayor.

For comparison, NY, a city in the US with as many inhabitants as the whole of Belgium, has 1 mayor.
Also note: There are 5 regular ministers in one Flemish government, 10 ministers in the 3 French-speaking governments.
Isn’t it high time for a tabula rasa of all those redundant levels of government that also paralyze our country and to abolish all those lucrative posts for which we will now have to fight so hard again? And while we’re at it, immediately throw that damned party financing in the trash.”

(The author is an older man of broad cultural interests and knowledge, with military experience and degree)


2. This doesn’t seem like it to me doom formula.
This has grown historically and therefore certainly has its reasons.

The result is an image that can be seen, that can be there, right?

A small and quite modest country, but one of the nations with the most humane regimes.
Good traffic network, train and motorway, even easily connected by air.
Excellent education, even at the highest levels.
Superb state of the art medical competence and healthcare, which is also cutting edge and much more affordable for all residents, wealthy or lower class,

also compared to the great, powerful and proud America.

Moreover, the people are, as many visitors testify immigrantsfriendly in this country between North Sea beach and Ardennes hills.

It also makes sense if you can speak about anything without fear, for example in public spaces, on the train or in a restaurant.
In how many other countries and continents do citizens have to fear that their point of view will be briefed to the police?

With terrible consequences too.

Belgium remains best.

Many ministers?

《Don’t change a winning team.》

[Het percentage klagende zielen vind ik wel vreemd en lastig, soms.
