Don Bosco Hoboken students visit nuclear fusion reactor in England: “This was the most ambitious plan for our students” | Hoboken

Don Bosco Hoboken students visit nuclear fusion reactor in England: “This was the most ambitious plan for our students” | Hoboken
Don Bosco Hoboken students visit nuclear fusion reactor in England: “This was the most ambitious plan for our students” | Hoboken

The students of the fifth year of Technological Sciences at Don Bosco Hoboken went to England for a week to make a long-awaited visit to the Joint European Torus, a nuclear fusion reactor in Culham. They already learned about nuclear fusion in their Physics lessons, but seeing the fusion reactor in person is something else. Accompanying teachers Claudia Cleiren (34) and Sebastiaan Debroyer (34) needed a year to prepare this trip, because in addition to the reactor, many other places in England were visited.

Annelin Marien

09-05-24, 16:48

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: Don Bosco Hoboken students visit nuclear fusion reactor England ambitious plan students Hoboken
