Flemish Minister of Brussels and Poverty Combating: ‘50,000 extra Brussels residents at work’

Flemish Minister of Brussels and Poverty Combating: ‘50,000 extra Brussels residents at work’
Flemish Minister of Brussels and Poverty Combating: ‘50,000 extra Brussels residents at work’

If Dalle becomes part of the next Brussels government after the elections, he says he plans to “create a new future for 50,000 additional Brussels residents.”

According to the current Flemish minister, work must be the first priority of the new government. “In Brussels, 1 in 4 grows up in a family where no one works,” says Dalle. “The Brussels employment rate is 66.5%. Based on economic expectations and the known population evolution, it will take until 2040 to achieve the 80% employment rate bar that we have set for our country. the net outflow of people over 55 from the working population to 55,600 in the period 2027-2032.”

In Dalle’s view, the Brussels Capital Region is mainly underperforming in terms of employment for its residents. Dalle and his party have the ambition to help 50,000 additional Brussels residents find a job by the end of the next legislature, in addition to the increase in continuous policy. A combination of measures have been developed in their so-called Employment Plan. According to Dalle, the emphasis should be on extra guidance tailored to the long-term unemployed, focusing on the reintegration of the long-term ill and a more persistent activation policy.

In addition, he wants to eliminate the known barriers (such as recognition of diplomas, language and mobility) that keep Brussels residents from the (Flemish) labor market and he passionately advocates expanding the range of jobs for mainly low-skilled people, via Flanders, industry and the social economy. .

“Many young Brussels residents between 18 and 24 are actively looking for work,” Dalle notes, among other things. “But there is also a large group of non-working young people who are not looking for a job. They often feel hopeless in a demanding and rigid labor market. In the meantime, Brussels companies are looking elsewhere for talent. We want to help an additional 17,500 long-term unemployed people find work, including 5,000 young people. Long-term and sustainable status for the weakest job seekers must be a priority for future governments.”

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Flemish Minister Brussels Poverty Combating extra Brussels residents work
