Eurovision Song Contest expert Peter Van de Veire gives latest update after Mustii’s mental blow: “He let that get him down” | Eurovision songfestival

Eurovision Song Contest expert Peter Van de Veire gives latest update after Mustii’s mental blow: “He let that get him down” | Eurovision songfestival
Eurovision Song Contest expert Peter Van de Veire gives latest update after Mustii’s mental blow: “He let that get him down” | Eurovision songfestival

Show bitsWill Mustii get our country a ticket for the final of the Eurovision Song Contest? That is today’s key question. His preparations in Sweden did not go smoothly, but expert Peter Van de Veire (52) believes in him. “He has done performances for the Eurovision Song Contest that he should not have done, that is true. But now he is there and he is ready,” says Peter. Reporter Jarne asks Van de Veire about the strikingly grotesque acts, the Joost Klein hype and his personal favorites. Discover it all at Showbits.

Jarne Rediers

May 9, 2024

Latest update:
09-05-24, 09:26

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Eurovision Song Contest expert Peter Van Veire latest update Mustiis mental blow Eurovision songfestival
