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These are the 5 secrets of slim people

May 4, 2024

Of course: the secret of slim people is that they eat healthy and exercise enough. But there are even more tricks that keep the scales just a little better balanced. We asked a dietician.

What is the healthiest way if you want to fall off? And which food is good for losing weight? And what is a good breakfast for weight loss? These are all questions that people ask themselves when they… 5 or 10 kilos want to lose weight, preferably without a diet. But you can learn a lot if you look at the lifestyle of slim people.

1. Keep your biological scales in balance

Women who never linesnever get into trouble with them biological scale, also called set point. A set point is the ideal internally adjusted weight of your body. When you diet, the system of hormones, chemicals and hunger signals come into action to prevent you from losing more weight. This is evident from research by the University of Pennsylvania. And also when you gain weight, your natural set point is disrupted. As a result, this is adjusted upwards. Those who never diet are not bothered by this and therefore maintain their ideal set point.

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New weight

Do you think you won’t be able to adjust your set point downwards once you arrive? Fortunately, that is not the case. Are you able to lose weight three to six months after losing weight? your new weight to stay? Then your set point will be adjusted downwards again. Sports dietitian Esther van Etten: “The longer you maintain your weight, the better it is. Not only for your set point, but also because healthy habits become routine more quickly. Healthy food is not always available in canteens, so make sure you take something sensible with you to work. Avoid ready-made meals and go for fresh as much as possible.”

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2. Reset your saturation knob

Why the one one snack can effortlessly resist and the other cannot, depends on certain parts of your brain. Research from the University of North Carolina shows that everyone has some kind of built-in… food switch has. This is activated as soon as you eat something tasty. When the switch is on, your appetite is stimulated. If the brain area is inactive, you have no appetite. People who never lines and on weight are, catch these hungry ones saturation signals of their bodies in perfect order. But if you are overweight or often yo-yo, this inner switch works less well. This way you can continue eating even though you are actually full. Good to know: after the first bite, it takes about twenty minutes before your brain gets the signal that you are full. That’s why it’s smart to eat slowly, as many slim people do.

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Every pound goes through the mouth, unfortunately

3. Eat the same food on the weekend as during the week

Sports dietitian Esther van Etten about the secret of slim people: “Don’t turn your weekend into cheat days. You may have iron discipline during the week, but if you have no brakes on the weekend and you fill up with unhealthy things, you won’t make any progress.” So find one lifestyle which can also be maintained during the weekend. Also calculate how many calories you actually need. Van Etten: “People often overestimate that number. Or they are just too low. How many calories you consume in a day depends on your weight, age, gender and how active you are. do you take resting metabolism as a starting point and count you there lifestyle at on.”

Also read: How a healthy breakfast can help you lose weight faster

For an adult woman, the resting metabolism about 1,400 calories. Here you come PAL value (Physical Activity Level) at. Do you have an office job and do you sit for an average of six to eight hours a day? Then assume a PAL of 1.2 (280 Kcalories). Then you arrive at about 1,680 calories. For an active lifestyle (if every three hours of sitting is followed by thirty minutes of moderately intensive exercise, increased heart rate) a handful of calories are added (again a PAL value of 1.2), namely 2,016 calories. And finally, you add the energy you use during exercise. Count on average 350 to 500 calories for an intensive one-hour workout, such as body pump or spinning.

4. Get happy hormones from your workout (and not from your diet)

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When you eat, your body produces feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin On. This especially happens with sugar and fat-rich snacks. The same happiness hormones are also produced during exercise, according to research by the British Loughborough University. So for your daily dose of positivity, focus on your next one workout instead of the next meal. Do you ever have trouble exercising? According to research from Utrecht University, the natural urge to exercise is in your genes. As you get older or fatter, the exercise needs off. The exercise gene comes into play when you are fit and healthy sporty you are busy. A combination of healthy eating and… cardio training is the fastest way to activate the gene. That’s how it will be workout after a while a piece of cake. Do you have this for example already?

5. Breakfast with proteins, like slim people

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People who have breakfast in the morning with a bowl of cottage cheese with nuts or a sandwich with a boiled egg are less likely to reach for unhealthy calories afterwards. Who has breakfast with a good portion proteins maintains weight more easily. A study from Tel Aviv University compared participants who took the to fall off goods. For one group, breakfast was the main meal of the day and for the other it was dinner. The heavy breakfast eaters ultimately turned out to be slimmer than the other group, even though they consumed the same amount of calories every day. This is because your body needs more fuel in the morning. If your body does not get this, it will produce extra insulin. This affects you blood sugar level is disrupted and fat storage is stimulated.

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Immediately protein breakfast your blood sugar level remains stable. What is the best way to start your day? With full-fat yogurt, because this is a protein bomb and the linoleic acid in this yogurt also helps with weight loss. Do you have this ever tried soy protein? You can stir it into your yogurt! That’s how slim people do it, usually