Spring and summer will shine brightly with these vitamins

Spring and summer will shine brightly with these vitamins
Spring and summer will shine brightly with these vitamins

We have been in spring for a while now and summer is approaching. This means that your body has different nutritional needs than in the autumn. Your body needs certain vitamins to maintain your general health.

We will explain exactly which vitamins you need so that you can start these summer months healthy and energetic.

Vitamins during the summer

Vitamins are important for your body. They are substances that your body needs to improve your immune system, improve your general health and to give you enough energy. These are all things that are crucial to feeling fit and being able to enjoy your spring and summer to the fullest.

As mentioned earlier, your body requires slightly different vitamins in the summer than in the winter. Would you like to supplement this extra during the summer months:

B vitamins

Vitamin B is especially important for energy. In spring and summer you often undertake more social and sporting activities than in winter. This means that your body also needs more energy. For this you take B vitamins. Consider vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.

Vitamin D

In the autumn your body often lacks vitamin D. It is therefore important to get a lot of vitamin D in the spring. You get vitamin D by exposing your skin to the sun. So make sure you see enough sunlight, of course with a good SPF. If you notice that you spend little time in the sun or do not have time for it, it may be wise to take extra vitamin D. This vitamin contributes to good resistance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C also contributes to your energy. If you consume too little of this, you will feel tired. Moreover, vitamin C also helps retain iron in your body, iron also gives you energy. So by taking more vitamin C you will feel more energetic.

Vitamin A

Do you also want to go into summer with radiant skin? Then vitamin A is wise to take. Vitamin A ensures cell renewal, so you are less likely to see signs of aging. This vitamin is also good for your eyes. Which is nice, since your eyes have to endure a lot now that everything is getting brighter outside.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Spring summer shine brightly vitamins
