Nicole Kidman’s heyday shrouded in silent sadness: “Her perfect picture will never be complete” | Celebrities

Nicole Kidman’s heyday shrouded in silent sadness: “Her perfect picture will never be complete” | Celebrities
Nicole Kidman’s heyday shrouded in silent sadness: “Her perfect picture will never be complete” | Celebrities

CelebritiesThese are heydays for Nicole Kidman. The Australian actress received the prestigious American Film Institute (AFI) Lifetime Achievement Award in the presence of her two daughters and her husband, Keith Urban. But that beautiful picture is never complete for Nicole. This has everything to do with a great loss: her eldest two children no longer have contact with her under pressure from their father, Tom Cruise. “Scientology took something away from her that she can never get back.”

Melissa Van Ostaeyen

10-05-24, 3:00 PM

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Tags: Nicole Kidmans heyday shrouded silent sadness perfect picture complete Celebrities
