The childhood photo of King Frederick of Denmark

The childhood photo of King Frederick of Denmark
The childhood photo of King Frederick of Denmark

Children of royal descent are in the spotlight from birth. Their baby and childhood photos are visible to the public and are etched in the memories of most. For example, do you see who this 14-year-old tennis player is?

The young prince we see in this photo was born on May 26, 1968 in Copenhagen. In this photo from 1982 we see him during a game of tennis in the Danish town of Aarhus. If we can believe the photo, sports have been in his blood from an early age. This will become apparent later, because this person is very sporty. He enjoys playing tennis, skiing and running. Since 2018, he has participated annually in the Royal Run, a running event that was created on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday.

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At the age of 35, the prince became engaged to a brunette from Australia and the wedding took place more than six months later. Together the two have four children. The prince is now no longer a prince and took over from his mother earlier this year. You may have noticed by now who we see in the ’80s photo. It is none other than: King Frederik of Denmark.

Image: ANP

The article is in Dutch

Tags: childhood photo King Frederick Denmark
