BIG CITY. How Brussels was Audrey Hepburn?

BIG CITY. How Brussels was Audrey Hepburn?
BIG CITY. How Brussels was Audrey Hepburn?

Her parental home was at Keienveldstraat 48 in Ixelles. The family ended up there because of Audrey’s father’s career in banking. He got a post in Brussels, so the family stayed here for a few years until Audrey was six. They lived a stone’s throw from Stefaniaplein, moved a few times within Brussels and ended their time in our country in Linkebeek.

Audrey was still a toddler when they left Brussels. We don’t know much about her childhood in our city. She sometimes said that she liked to eat Belgian chocolate and watch ballet performances with her mother. No doubt a seed was planted there.

First roll

Her parents eventually separated and followed different paths. Her mother went back to live in the Netherlands and her father in Great Britain. There in London, Audrey began taking ballet lessons to make her dream of becoming a dancer come true. But it became a different story. A director noticed her and gave her her first role. The auditions followed one another and her roles became bigger and bigger.

Hepburn became one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. The films she starred in have become classics, as has her style. So many years later, she is still seen as the epitome of elegance.

(Read more below the photo)

The article is in Dutch

Tags: BIG CITY Brussels Audrey Hepburn
