The Voice of Stephanie D’Hose: “A driving license with points is the most correct and pure system” | The Voice of Flanders

The Voice of Stephanie D’Hose: “A driving license with points is the most correct and pure system” | The Voice of Flanders
The Voice of Stephanie D’Hose: “A driving license with points is the most correct and pure system” | The Voice of Flanders

In the Stem Van Vlaanderen you will find out which politician you are. Stepahnie D’Hose, Senate Chairman of Open Vld, is also participating in the largest voting test in Flanders. In the video above you will discover how she answers some social dilemmas.

Of all the politicians who completed the voting test, D’Hose is the only one who does not agree with increasing the minimum wage from 2,000 to 2,800 euros gross per month. “I believe that too large an increase in minimum wages will always be at the expense of our competitiveness. Now take the example of Van Hool. They are going to build buses in Macedonia because labor costs are much too high here. We must mainly ensure that the general tax burden decreases,” said D’Hose. However, current minimum wages mean that one in five families will not make it to the end of the month. “That is why measures must be taken that do not disadvantage employers, because if they have to close their company, ultimately no one will make it to the end of the month.”

Fair and clear system

D’Hose strongly supports the introduction of a driving license with points, which drivers can lose after multiple violations. “I fully support this, because this is the fairest and clearest system. When you find that certain drivers repeatedly make mistakes, it becomes clear that we are dealing with people who are hard-willed. Severe punishments do not seem to work in those cases. So I say: simply introduce the points driving license.”

LOOK. How do Bart De Wever, Melissa Depraetere or Tom Van Grieken answer in the Stem van Vlaanderen?

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Stephanie D’Hose takes the voice test. © HLN

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Voice Stephanie DHose driving license points correct pure system Voice Flanders
