LOOK. Elderly climate activists target historic Magna Carta | Abroad

LOOK. Elderly climate activists target historic Magna Carta | Abroad
LOOK. Elderly climate activists target historic Magna Carta | Abroad

The British Library in London is an important library: it holds two of the four copies of the Magna Carta that still exist. The historical document (dating from 1215), ed.) is pretty much the beginning of something resembling a constitution, it states that the king and his government are not above the law.

The two activists glued themselves to the fence after breaking the glass. They held a sign that said “the government is breaking the law.” In addition, bystanders also heard them say: “Is the government above the law?”

One of the activists, Sue Parfitt, said: “The Magna Carta is rightly revered because it is of great importance to our history, our freedoms and our laws. But there will be no freedom, justice or rights if we allow the climate to be destroyed.”

The library confirmed the incident and said that while “the security team intervened to prevent further damage to the housing”, the damage remained minimal. “Police were called and the document remained undamaged,” they added.

The British Library remains closed.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Elderly climate activists target historic Magna Carta
