American woman wins the lottery twice in ten weeks

American woman wins the lottery twice in ten weeks
American woman wins the lottery twice in ten weeks

Christine Wilson in February and May. — © Massachusetts State Lottery

Some people seem to have all the luck in the world. Good example: Christine Wilson from the American state of Massachusetts, who won the lottery twice in ten weeks… and was allowed to credit 1 million euros to her account each time.

Most people don’t manage to win the big ticket once after years of playing, but Christine Wilson from the town of Attleborough managed it twice in just over two months.

In February, the American won 1 million dollars (930,000 euros) for the first time with the Lifetime Millions gambling game. Last Wednesday she won the same amount again, with the game 100X Cash. Odds of winning: 1 in 1,612,800. Yet she cannot credit her account with $2 million because she twice chose to withdraw the amount at once, reducing it to $650,000 twice (before tax deductions).

After her first win in February, she used some of the proceeds to buy an SUV. This second time, she plans to save her winnings for a while.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: American woman wins lottery ten weeks
