Stephanie and Nico and their eight children want to set up a care farm, but that is not going smoothly: “Please tell us what is allowed” (Sint-Niklaas)

Stephanie and Nico and their eight children want to set up a care farm, but that is not going smoothly: “Please tell us what is allowed” (Sint-Niklaas)
Stephanie and Nico and their eight children want to set up a care farm, but that is not going smoothly: “Please tell us what is allowed” (Sint-Niklaas)

Last year, Stephanie and Nico sold their self-built house with seven bedrooms and a swimming pool in Lokeren-Oudenbos and exchanged it for a farm with land on Zwaanaardestraat in Sinaai. “We immediately saw the possibilities of the building for our family, our daughters’ horses and at the same time a living space for people with disabilities,” says the couple.

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“I have always vowed to do something to help people with disabilities,” says Stephanie. Stephanie’s youngest sister has both a mental and a physical disability. “We come into contact with it very closely in our family. In the meantime, our eldest daughter Inaya will also graduate in disability care. She also saw a future here to help people with disabilities. We would like to offer equine therapy.” (Read more below the photo)

Stephanie and Nico have been trying in vain for months to find an agreement to realize their dream. — © ies

But objections quickly arose during the preparation of the plans and discussions with the services at the Sint-Niklaas town hall. Some of the existing stables turned out to be unlicensed and therefore had to be demolished. To date, the family, together with their architect and an accompanying consultancy firm DLV, have also not found an agreement with the city to renovate the licensed stables and to build a possible new hobby stable for the horses.

Custom plans

“It was always something. Then it was too big, it was too heavily built up, there was too much paving or a problem arose with a ditch next to the site. We have been working on this for six months now, but nothing has happened,” say Stephanie and Nico. We simply ask for clarity from the city government services. Just tell us what is allowed instead of sending us back every time we have an amended proposal.”

(Read more below the photo)

Nico also wants to offer the children's horses a decent home.

Nico also wants to offer the children’s horses a decent home. — © ies

Alderman for Environmental Permits Wout De Meester (Green) says that he is willing to enter into dialogue with the family. “We have received a request in principle to realize three functions on the site: a spacious family home, stables for horses and a care function. The site itself is not large and has limitations. The care function in particular was not clear to us,” says the alderman. “Is there collaboration with an institution for this? Is it about day care and people with an assistance budget? Our services and we as the city council certainly want to look for a solution. But everything must fit in with the neighborhood and the regulations.”

READ ALSO. Kevin (32) and Nena (32) can be seen with their offspring in Families XXL: “There should be no more”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Stephanie Nico children set care farm smoothly allowed SintNiklaas
